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A member registered Jul 22, 2022

Recent community posts

Did you make the music yourself?

It really makes the game shine.

(1 edit)

I hope you just got bored of it and not dealing with some life stuff.

Or ded..

Happy Thanksgiving!

My only complaint is that Greg does the whole jumpscare thing when he gets you even though he's a football shark and should be tackling you or something more "footbally." 

Otherwise. I love the atmosphere, music and aesthetic.

The atmosphere was pretty great and the map went in a circle making it believable. I especially liked the desktop part. My only complaint is that I wish it let you shoot so it would be a bit more immersive.

I love the voice and the art! 

You can go from cheery to cold and aloof. That's some good range.

And once again you incorporate subtle supernatural elements that make you wish for more.

Keep it up!

Yoooo! What's the music for the basement segment?

That was legit pretty unsettling environment.

I'd stuff that bird like a Christmas turkey

Glad to see such a simple (meaning: Game Jam rules!) project brought a lot of positive attention. It really was a cute quirky thing. 

The voice acting was what really sold it! Glad to see you voice acted your Big Foot game as well!

You're pretty good at it.

So... uh... where you got that The Polar Express 2 poster from?

Silly question, but is the Space Blue Quest a silly joke or is there something I'm not doing right?

I wanna help Ray!

Okay that part where you go through all your previous games was pretty freaking hype. 

The real horror is Olive Naruto running.

Nice. Very Gran Turismo like. 

That lobby music is amazing! Did you make it yourself?